

  • Program

[Hangul Proclamation Day] 7 Mesures par Seconde

2023-10-02 | 320 Hit

[Hangul Proclamation Day

7 mesures par Seconde

choreographic navigations by n+n Corsino

October 6 - November 8, 2023 

@Korean Cultural Center (Multifunctional Hall)

Opening Ceremony: October 6 at 6pm

@Korean Cultural Center (Multifunctional Hall)

In the presence of the artists, Nicole Corsino, Norbert Corsino

*No need to make a reservation

7 Mesures par Seconde is based on texts by Han Yu-joo and Claudine Galea, treated like a graphic novel in which words, images and sounds form mutual hybrids in an interactive narrative process and create the imaginary construction of gestures and body movements.

A series of choreographic sequences play on these concepts and use this motif as their basis. They relate in a signature of movement – the movement that of the bodies and that of the writings – with the elements of the calligraphed texts in Korean.

n + n Corsino

Throughout its course, n + n corsino’s body of work continues to capture this antagonism between historical and anhistoric, between writing of reality and writing of art.

It places time and space in orbit in order to orchestrate the fragments of the shock of the living world and then deconstruct them.

Their language creates dialogue between the most sophisticated and inventive tools in the field of new image technologies and the craft of the dancing body. The combination of the two continually opens up new areas of exploration.

Escaping from the gendered categories of art, choreographers-filmmakers-visual artists, she and he – the duo is itself hybrid – I would like to call them transformers: transformation is the work that combines and composes dance, image, musical/sound and literary creation, real and digital bodies and landscapes. Transformation is movement and n + n corsino come from there, dance, the only art form whose name has no adjective, no complementary descriptive attribute.

It is a cycle, an ellipse, a rotation, a volte.

They live and work in Marseille, where they founded SCENE44, an artistic factory for choreographic creation and digital innovation.

Text : Han Yu-Joo, Claudine Galea

Calligraphy : Park Mihwi

Dance : Kim Bo-ra, Kim Jae-duk

2D scenographic design : Nicolas Ballu

3D scenographic design : Patrick Zanoli

development : Anaël Seghezzi, Samuel Toulouse

Motion Capture Quantic Dream : Florence Fournier, Pierre Tauvel

Clones 3D : Patrick Zanoli, Anaël Seghezzi

Sound design : Jacques Diennet

Photographic direction : Massimo Gardone, Alessandra Muran

Choreography & concept : Nicole Corsino, Norbert Corsino

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