

  • Program

Dream Play These21 <Chronicle Of Alibis>

2022-12-22 | 1336 Hit

Dream Play These21 <Chronicle of Alibis>

○︎ 18.1.2023 / 19h30 @ KVS, Brussels English subtitles will be provided

  10 / Reservation Required, please click here for reservation

The Best Korean Play Of 2013/ One of the Best Korean Plays Of 2013

This work is the most commonplace chronicle and yet the most political one.
What is political is the most individual, and the most trivial.
When a national history moves, so does the history of an individual who belongs to the country.
In what moments of life does a person confront the country as a citizen?
Looking back on the republics leaders who led the Korean chronicle of alibis,
how is my life affected by what kind of leader I meet and experience,
and what are the alibis that are hidden inside my life?


 A chronicle that is very ordinary and yet political. The father, who is a graduate of the Republic of Korea Field Artillery School, and fought in the Korean War as a corporal, is shedding tears in front of a boot camp. He is waiting for his youngest son who has just completed a four-week long boot camp before serving his military duty as a public officer. His older brother was a war veteran, and all his nephews and sons have already served the country as corporals. What was the reason behind his tears?

"The director’s autobiographical narrativesincluding his dead father and his older brotherinterlace a history of the Individual with a history of the Nation, harmonizing the viewpoint of history with self-introspection, overcoming dichotomy to, achieve a new political theater." (Korea Theater Critics Association)

Written/Directed by Jae-Yeop Kim  Head of Dream Play These21 (Playwright/Director)

Instead of fabricating a fable or creating a myth, he hopes to fight within the history in this age which requires honesty. He hopes not to package it with the label of art but rather to be analysed through the thought of humanities and social science. What we dream of may not be theatre. Our theatre is the living ground of community which researches on and communicates with the contemporary thesis of the 21st century. Theatre cannot become theatre anymore, and this theatre which did not reach theatre- should overcome and go beyond it. Dream Play These21 dreams of ‘the theatre that does not have to be theatre.’

* This play produced by the National Theater company of Korea was performed at the Myeongdong Theater in 2019 

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