

Brussels Short Film Festival 2024 / "Fisher Boy" (2023), Dong-Hyun Nam

2024-04-19 | 129 Hit

From the Korean Cultural Center we are inviting all of you to the next Film festival happening in Brussels: Brussels Short Film Festival from April 24th until May 4th, 2024 in Flagey

BSFF is a festival that gathers more than 250 short films that compete in diverse categories: National, International and Next Generation. In these 250 films, we are very pleased to present the participation of one Korean movie, Fisher Boy, and also the visit of its director, Dong-Hyun Nam next May 2nd at 4:30pm.

Fisher Boy is a film released in 2023, that talks about a boy and his research to find water after drinking his granddad's.

"Fisher Boy"(2023), Dong-Hyun Nam

Next Generation Competition

Screening: April 28th at 7pm and May 2nd at 4:30pm @Flagey

*For more information about tickets and other screenings click here. 

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